Today's Silvia Quote
"Thinking of love in terms of romance is like thinking of God in terms of a priest."
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Art Diary

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WonderWorlds Images & Photographs by

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  • Green Bubbles Green Bubbles I love photographing bubbles. As always, no photoshopping and all images look the way they do because ...
  • Meteorites Meteorites Meteorites - messengers from the very beginning of the Universe - are wonderful things. Here is a WonderWorlds ...
  • Quartz Textures Quartz Textures A gallery of 21 beautiful quartz textures for wonderworld dreaming or to use as base patterns for textures, ...
  • Mysterious Stone :-) Mysterious Stone :-) There are those who say that crystals have a path and sometimes they meet the right people at the ...
  • Crystal Fantasy Crystal Fantasy A real good time was had by all creating this collection of fantasy crystal photographs - fantasy crystals ...
  • Joy Of Metal Joy Of Metal A cool selection of metal textures, metal patterns and metal existences - things are simply endlessly ...
  • White Clouds Daydreaming Video: Cloudz White Clouds Daydreaming Video: Cloudz Based on the White Clouds series of photographs, here is a wonderfully relaxing and de-stressing video ...
  • White Clouds Over England - Cloudz White Clouds Over England - Cloudz Here is a collection of 40 images of sky and white clouds, entitled "Cloudz" and taken by SFX between ...
  • Life Will Find A Way Life Will Find A Way Wonderworlds are everywhere if you know *how* to look for them.In the seemingly most ordinary and mundane ...
  • Beautiful Glass Beautiful Glass Beautiful glass like ice in a stunning array of colors. A gallery of 22 images to enjoy celebrating ...
Cool Stuff ...
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