Are you? Can you be if you have "master reversals"? Or if you are a woman ...?
Today's Silvia Quote
"Better to be rich and healthy, than poor and sick. "
StarFields VIP ClubLatest Happenings In The VIP Club - Sign In HERE. The StarFields VIP Club is a subscription based membership group for those interested in advanced modern energy work and research with Silvia Hartmann. Contains a massive members library, new free products every month and the VIP members forum. To sign up, please goto You get so far by doing personal development sitting in your bedroom but there comes a time when you have to start ...
Too many to list separately - visit the Sex Forum to find out what's new.
A breakthrough on the nature and conduct of romantic love affairs.
Why is Paul McKenna so successful ...? Answers here.
Energy work can increase testosterone output. Which is, it seems, a very good thing indeed.
A VIP research project with the potential to re-write our ideas of energy "healing."
A free copy of Crown of Lights, special VIP edition, can be downloaded now in the members section. Contains Infinity Rising, Tree Of Life, Heart Of Gold, One Mind, Crown Of Lights, Child Of God and The Others.
A fun language pattern to cause spontaneous EESs from the language laboratory.
An advanced energy based pattern for reality creating.
How do you really "create reality"? I guess it helps to stop being a consumer, and instead, becoming a creator ...
Yes, there are some. Even some important ones ... From the Language Laboratory
7 new games per VIP should provide a lot of nice new games to play for all.
A wonderful Project Sanctuary game with many uses ...
This feels like a very important pattern, certainly a personal breakthrough.
Did Leonardo have a friend? And what are friends, anyway ...?
SFX Conference Reports from the Europa.
Listen to the Music Energy session with Will Taylor.
The case of the evil Reiki Master ... revenge spells at the ready!
A TGS session with a 15 year old "special needs" boy and the discovery of a new meaning for one of the genius symbols ...
The pyramid of secrets, or the hierarchy of intelligence, is one of those meta structures that needs to be exploded, and fast. It's wrong, it's evil, it's inhumane and its time has been and gone.
A two part self help session, a metaphor and why +8 is a tragedy.
Now that's the kind of PS pattern we don't talk about it public ... don't want to frighten the children ...
How do ereas around the head influence how we perceive reality? Can cults create particular energy forms which block off incoming logic? How do such energy forms arise, and how do they influence learning and the ubiquitous doors of perception?
Thoughts on unknowable events, events echoes and Damien Hirst's vibe of the "beautiful decomposition."
Watch an hour in depth video on working with EFT & Beliefs from the Energy EFT Master Practitioner series free online in the VIP club.
How to turn your delusions into reality ... oh yes, absolutely!
That could be an interesting experience ...
Reflections on the March EFTM training, on Mastermind groups and slow learners ...
The awesome new Energy EFT protocol fresh off the press - VIPs get it first!
Apparently, many great artists were synaesthetes. According to an expert, there are many pretend synaesthetes out there - you either are, or you aren't. I beg to differ. Synaesthesia is easy - if you know how!
The organisational structure or lack thereof of how one stores one's files is a direct reflection of thinking patterns and structural organisation of the mind/brain/energy system. When we re-structure our harddrives, do we also re-structure our minds? The answer is, Yes.
This is now closed. Good fun was had by all!
Case stories and discussion on shields, ereas and how children make shields.
Are Healing Events addictive? Like Heroin? And what would happen if you became an addict ...?
A speech recognition program highlights the differences between metasong, paranormal language and "muppet speech."
A beautifully simple and very, very useful pattern for sorting out your advertising in the name of the law of attraction.
More research/researchers are needed!
A new fun way to have interesting full body autogenic experiences with EMO.
Incremental thinking and believing there is a smooth path from a-z is a misconception, a human programming error at work.
It's not all about therapy ... Thank God!
A general pattern on not just how to get the job done, but to go much further in the same time.
Behaviourism on the StarFields VIP list??? Surely not ... :-)
The final three chapters and the Addendum with games, tips and the Genius Symbols is online now. This completes PS11.
Further to the exploration of the 7 senses, here's a useful tip on using the sense of taste to gain more information about the environment.
With a real healing event there comes NEW information - always.
"Baby if I say the right words, at the right time, you'll be mine." Tracey Chapman
Three forms of enlightenment experiences - Project Sanctuary Threshold Shifts, EMO Energized End States, and EFT Healing Events. Are they the same, and if not, what's the difference?
How does the "law of attraction" really work? And why do beginner EFT practitioners always get the worst clients?
What else can an EFT prac offer apart from the 55 minute "therapy hour"?
If what we do isn't fun, then why do it? And conversely, if it is, let's do more of it ...
Cool Stuff ...
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